Farm Management

This service is designed to help farm owners realize gains on their farm projects through our interventions. Every farm is assessed based on its potentials to produce and deliver to markets near and far. A consultative analysis is carried out to identify need areas for which we will propose solutions to mitigate any potential challenges. Our solutions pack includes human resource provision, training, monitoring and evaluation. We are also able to provide markets for select crops produced on the farm.

Farm Development

We are able to work with you in developing your farm projects. Our experience in the field, setting farms in all regions of Cameroon have given us the unique ability to develop farm models adapted to each locality.

Soil Testing

This is a service carried out at the start of every farm site. Ensuring that the soil in that area will suit the production type and method, we have been able to reduce nuances by over 70% enabling the farm to reach breakeven point lesser time compared to other farms in similar category.


Being the pioneer in greenhouse farming in Cameroon, we were faced with the challenge of a trained team. In the past, we have brought experts from other countries, notably, Kenya, Ghana, South Africa, Nigeria who have transferred knowledge to our local teams. Today, our local teams have become trainers, training their fellow mates. This has been a major success to us in becoming the only school in Africa training in Greenhouse Farming.

Food Aggregation

We have been able to secure markets for several farm products grown in Cameroon. We now aim to aggregate produce from multiple producers for these target markets.