How the technology works

The greenhouse technology is a metallic or wooden structure covered in either plastic or glass used in the cultivation of several market crops. The plastic covering of a greenhouse is treated specially hence permeating particular rays of the sun that will enable the cultivation of desired crops year round. Within a greenhouse structure, other complementary technologies can be installed to facilitate the production of crops within a greenhouse farm – such include but not limited to drip irrigation, sticky papers, planters, nursery trays etc. Within a greenhouse farm, plants are able to grow within a controlled micro climate which enables plants to fruit vigorously with added advantages compared to outdoor farms.

Advantages of Greenhouse

The greenhouse technology comes with countless advantages, the following are a few of them:

 Production of off-season crops

Due to the ability to control environmental factors, production of off-crops is possible. It allows the growing of plants in areas that are not suited for their growth.

 Microclimate

The power to regulate climatic conditions enables us to keep the plants in an optimal environment such as heat, temperature, irrigation, light and relative humidity that favors the reduction of the production period in relation to what it would be outdoors

 Yields and volume

The greenhouse prevents extreme conditions thus improving production that is both in yield and quality.

 Control of pests, diseases and other varmints

The use of pesticides is efficient and effective, preventing chemical toxicity through excessive use of pesticides.

 Weed management

The fact that the water system is drip irrigation and water supply is direct to plant root surface and little for the weed to thrive hence controlling weed.

 Excellent ventilation

You can ventilate the greenhouse quickly, thanks to their zenithal or side windows.

 Technology use

Optimize the use of other technologies to facilitate the management of climate like heating, humidification, shade screens or saving energy.

 Water utilization

In the green house, watering is done using drip systems which supply water to the plant at a sufficient rate as required by the plant.

 Space utilization:

Here since crops are cultivated on small piece of land which makes use of every little space available thus maximizing the use of land and producing high quality produce per unit square of land.

 Crop management

Due to the small land size, Activities such as pruning, staking, fertilization, pollination and harvesting are easily performed in the greenhouse.

 Labor

The greenhouse will require less labor in crop management at every stage of growth.

 Crop shelf-life

The crops grown in a greenhouse are of high quality and hence store for longer periods. This is due the fact that there is less use of inorganic fertilizers and more organic fertilizers which thus improves quality.

 Bio security

Due to the tight security, the crops are more protected from animals and birds that feed on ripe fruits as well as from human theft they will not know when the crops are mature and ready for harvest.